I’m on a low FODMAP diet… What low FODMAP chips can I enjoy for a snack?

Chips are a beloved snack food and luckily, there are several low FODMAP chips available! They come in many shapes, sizes, and flavors making the options endless. Plus, they’re very accessible!

low fodmap chips

Chips are most commonly consumed as a snack (my favorite road trip snack) but people are getting creative and using them as crusts for meats and even as binders in recipes.

Whether you like tortilla chips or the standard potato chip, there are many low FODMAP options throughout the elimination diet. You simply need to know what to look for! But as we dive into the nitty gritty details, let’s briefly discuss what the low FODMAP diet is. 

What does Low FODMAP Mean?

FODMAP is an acronym for Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, and Monosaccharides And Polyols. These are long names for carbohydrates (sugars) that travel through the gut partially undigested and then ferment in the colon. This fermentation causes unwanted digestive symptoms in IBS individuals such as diarrhea, constipation, gas, and bloating.

FODMAPs are found in a wide range of foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy products, legumes, nuts, and certain sweeteners that are limited for a period of 2-8 weeks until symptoms improve. The good news for our chip lovers out there is that corn, potatoes, and rice are all low FODMAP starches that are safe. Plus, all of your oils are low FODMAP as well since they do not contain carbohydrates.

Where problems can arise are with seasonings or additives so I suggest choosing simple ingredient lists to start such as corn, oil, and salt.

Ingredients to avoid when choosing a chip that is low FODMAP

When looking at different chip options, be sure to keep an eye out for ingredients that are high in FODMAPs. The ingredients below should be avoided in large amounts when on the elimination phase of the low FODMAP diet.

  1. “Natural Flavors.” This is a vague ingredient that can consist of many different unidentified spices. In this case, proceed with caution and watch for symptoms.
  2. Garlic and onion powder
  3. Honey
  4. Wheat and barley flour
  5. Buttermilk and sour cream
  6. Molasses
  7. High fructose corn syrup

You may be thinking, so now I have to read labels ALL the time?? The short answer is yes, especially in the beginning when you’re learning what you can and cannot tolerate. However, there are certification companies that test foods to see if they are low FODMAP. The largest companies are Monash University and FODMAP Friendly that utilize their own certification stamp on products. Feel free to use their apps to locate certified products, but keep in mind, every food on the market is not tested yet!

Now that we know what to look for when selecting low FODMAP chips, let’s talk about some brands. The brands will be organized by the main starch in the chip. For example, corn vs potato-based chips. Keep in mind, most chips are not Monash University tested by brands, so I am basing it off of the ingredient label.

Corn Based Chips

corn chips low fodmap chips

Corn in its purest form (aka on the cob) is considered to be low FODMAP at a serving size of a half of a cob, per Monash University. Because corn-based chips are made from grounded corn flour, FODMAP content is going to naturally be lower. They are considered to be safe at a 50-gram serving size (almost 2 cups). Good news for our IBS friends!

Most tortilla chips are low FODMAP, so take your pick! Double check that the ingredients are corn, an oil, and salt. This is not an exhaustive list and it could vary by store brands. 

Corn Based Chip Brands

  • Fritos Original Corn Chips
  • Pipcorn Sea Salt Dippers
  • Popcorners
    • Sea Salt
    • Sweet and Salty
  • Sunchips Original
    • The wheat content is low enough in these chips that Monash University certified them as low FODMAP.
  • Tortilla Chips
    • Food Should Taste Good – Multigrain, Tortilla/Sweet Potato, Blue Corn Tortilla
    • Kirkland Original
    • Late July – Restaurant Style Sea Salt, Lime, Chia/Quinoa, Multigrain with Lime
    • Mission – White Corn, Blue Corn, Thin & Crispy
    • Mi Nina – The sea salt and lime flavor of most chips should still be low FODMAP. Most corn tortilla chips are low FODMAP in original flavors
    • Santita’s White Corn Tortilla Chips
    • Siete Grain Free Dip Chip
    • Tostitio’s Scoops and Regular, Multigrain
    • Trader Joe’s White Corn Tortilla Chips
    • Xochitl

Now that you have options for your next Mexican food night, let’s talk about chips made from the highest consumed vegetable in the US, Potatoes!

Potato Based Chips

low fodmap chips

When it comes to potato chips, the safest move is to stick with classic flavors. As the flavors get more elaborate, milk/buttermilk and onion/garlic tend to be listed ingredients. Unfortunately, the beloved BBQ flavor is off limits during the elimination phase due to garlic, onion, and molasses. Because chip flavors are not individually tested, we have to make an informed decision on what chips may be low FODMAP. Individual tolerance varies so be sure to monitor!


Here are some potato chip brands/flavors that are considered low FODMAP:

  • Boulder Classic Sea Salt
  • Cape Cod
    • Original
    • Kettle Cooked
    • Salt & Vinegar
    • Sweet & Spicy Jalapeno (monitor tolerance due to onion)
    • Waves Sea Salt
  • FODY Potato Chips
    • BBQ
    • Pink Himalayan Salt
  • Good Health Original Potato Chips
  • Kettle Brand (some may be tolerated as garlic/onion is further down in the ingredients)
    • Sea Salt
    • Sea Salt and Vinegar
    • Habanero Lime Crinkle Cut
    • Himalayan Salt Crinkle
  • Lays
    • Original Wavy Potato Chips
    • Lays Classic
    • Limon
    • Lightly Salted
    • Salt and Vinegar
    • Poppable’s Sea Salt
    • Salt and Vingar
    • Simply Sea Salt Thick Cut
  • Miss Vickie’s Sea Salt
  • Popchips
    • Sea Salt
    • Sea Salt and Vinegar
  • Pringles Original
  • Ruffles Original
  • Siete Kettle Cooked Potato Chips
  • Sweet Potato Chip Brands
    • Kirkland Signature Sweet Potato Chips
    • Simply Nature Sweet Potato Chips
    • Trader Joe’s Murasaki Sweet Potato Chips
    • Terra Chips Sweet Potato
    • One Potato Two Potato
  • Terra Chips
    • Plantain chips
    • Blues chips
    • Sweet potato crinkled/regular
  • UTZ
    • Original
    • Grandma Utz Kettle Chips
    • Kettle Classics Original
    • Ripples Original


If you are looking for a lower carbohydrate, grain free options, you can safely consume Siete Grain Free Tortilla Chips and mini bunuelos!

As you’ll see, all of the original chip flavors mentioned above are suspected to be low FODMAP, making them a safe choice. That’s because they are generally just potatoes or corn, an oil, and salt! When special flavors come into the picture, double check the ingredients and monitor your symptoms.

If you are wondering about a brand you don’t see on here, ask your dietitian or stick with the original flavor!

Looking for more Low FODMAP Resources?

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Kathleen Tabb is a registered dietitian based in Maryland. She specializes in digestive conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and has extensive training through her master’s degree in integrative and functional nutrition. She is passionate about looking at her clients holistically to illuminate the root cause of their concerns in order to improve health and quality of life