No-Sodium Montreal Steak Seasoning is such a popular seasoning, we decided to modify the recipe to make it low in sodium so it is ideal for anyone who is trying to decrease their sodium (salt) intake.
This is a great low sodium spice blend to use when you want to decrease your intake of salt. This is dietitian approved.
No-Sodium Montreal Steak Seasoning
- 2 tbsp paprika
- 2 tbsp black pepper
- 1 tbsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp onion powder
- 1 tbsp coriander
- 1 tbsp dill
- 1 tbsp Red pepper flakes
- Mix all ingredients together in a jar with an air tight lid.
Have you discovered it to be challenging to find ways to lower your salt intake without lowering your flavor? Never fear, our No-Sodium Montreal Steak Seasoning is here.
Paying attention to the amount of sodium in our diet low is really important for everyone, but especially those with heart conditions or hypertension, as water follows salt in the body.
This causes the body to hold onto more water, increasing the amount of blood that the heart has to pump.
That places an additional burden on the heart and increases blood pressure, thereby increasing the risk of stroke, heart failure, kidney disease, and osteoporosis (a condition in which the bones become weak and brittle).
Additional Effects of High Sodium Intake
The body is naturally so very impressive, for when it notices an imbalance, it tries to correct it on its own – unfortunately, that can lead to other conditions if it spends a long time trying to fix the imbalance. This is the case with chronic kidney disease and osteoporosis.
The first response the body has is the excrete out the excess sodium, but that puts a lot of pressure on the kidneys as they have to filter the blood which is coming in very fast and at a very high pressure.
This extra strain on the kidney may cause fatigue and damage to the kidneys which cand eventually lead to chronic kidney disease.
When the body maintains high levels of salt, one of the responses to try to correct this is by releasing calcium from the bones. Since most of our bodies stop storing calcium after we turn 23, the constant loss without replacement leads to weak and brittle bones.
If this continues over a long period of time, it can develop into a condition called osteoporosis where even just a small fall can result in several broken or fractured bones.
So you see, even if you haven’t been given a specific guideline or diagnosis to reduce sodium, it’s good for everyone to be aware of their intake and choose lower sodium options – such as our super simple seasoning!
This is not only great on steaks but any kind of meat item you may be preparing as well as roasted veggies.
More Low Sodium Spice Blends
For more low sodium spice blend recipes, take a look at this compilation blog:
6 Salt Free Seasonings that You Can Make At Home That Actually Taste Good!

Photo credit Kristin Jenkins
Please let us know what you think of our Montreal Steak Seasoning in the comments section below.
-Blog reviewed and updated by Rebecca Bitzer MS RD LD August 30, 2021
Klara Knezevic is a registered dietitian nutritionist based in Maryland. She has over a decade of experience in the nutrition field and currently serves as the CEO and co-owner of Rebecca Bitzer and Associates, one of the largest nutrition private practices in the country. Klara is passionate about sharing practical nutrition tips to help you feel confident in the choices that you make. Coauthor ofCooking with Food Sensitivities Survival GuideandNourished: 10 Ingredients to Happy, Healthy Eating.
I’m going to give it a shot… I will let you know